A new 4.0 dosing concept for dyeing and finishing is now available to textile plants
The chemical dosages in the textile plant are adapted to special productions in order to optimise the different processes and to achieve a great impact on the quality of the …

The chemical dosages in the textile plant are adapted to special productions in order to optimise the different processes and to achieve a great impact on the quality of the final product.
Industry 4.0 has revolutionized industrial processes in the modern era. Thanks to the automation of these processes, textile plants are able to generate great savings based on optimised calculations and specific processes that help us to obtain greater performance without sacrificing quality.
Large companies such as the Inditex Group, Mango, HM, Nike, New Balance, Primark, among many others, closely monitor sustainable production, demanding very high standards of quality and traceability of the final product. For this reason, we work to find precise solutions for those dyeing and finishing processes.
We know in advance that finding the balance between performance, quality and sustainability is complex, but not impossible.
A high performance 4.0 dosing machine
With TecnoDos we have succeeded in automating the dosing process by serving the products through its manifold automatically. Connected to InfoTint, the MES software for weaving, dyeing and finishing, in order to bring this simple process to life. We can optimise every single dosage either for dyeing or for the fabric finishing process.
But we do not stop there; we wanted to go one step further and develop specific processes for dosing that contribute to the value chain.
Large scale and small format dosages: the challenge of the dyehouse
For this sector of the textile plant, the demand was to develop a solution for product dosing in jets, trains, and autoclaves that would go beyond the usual standard. Many companies need to dose in small format and some others just the opposite. Furthermore, in many cases, we are dealing with unique products with a complex chemical composition.
After an in-depth study, we have devised two modules for TecnoDos that have succeeded in solving the challenge with excellent results: we are talking about micro-dosage and single product.
The micro dosage is designed for small format dosages, from 5 to 200 cc. Through the use of a peristaltic pump, our Atlantis PCT-900 controller included in TecnoDos and the inventiveness of our developers, we manage to dose in small quantities through the machine itself. Accurate dosing is ideal for those dyeing processes that require a high level of precision and small quantities of chemical products. We show you how we do it:
Otherwise, we had products being sent in large quantities, or dosages of chemicals such as Sulphur Black whose composition prevents it from being mixed with other products.
For this purpose, we developed the mono-product. Using PLC technology and our developments, we can mechanically separate the product flow with an optimal result in large scale dosages or with special products in a safe and precise way. See how it works.
Single or multiple recipes: the dichotomy of the finishing plant
Another development made for TecnoDos is the automation for dosages in the finishing line. We have devised two specific solutions based on the number of recipes applied to the process.
The Compound mode is intended for these processes having few recipes, which do not require a preparation batch, and which need to be always active.
For this purpose, we set up a loop recipe that will guarantee the same product preparation on a permanent basis. InfoTint executes the preparation order automatically through TecnoDos when detecting a low level in the preparation tank, guaranteeing a continuous flow of the desired preparation at all times. The automation is completed by sending the product together with the right amount of water needed to complete the recipe. Here we show you how it is done:
If we had different recipes for different types of fabric, we designed the Batch mode. With this module InfoTint calculates the exact amount that each recipe needs. The calculation is based on the article parameters such as pick-up, batch, calculation of meters and kilos of the process or the calculation of bath waste. Based on these data, InfoTint prepares the exact quantity of products for each of the batches, and delivers the products selected in the recipe with the precise amount of water until the recipe is completed. See how it’s done:
Both processes represent a step forward in terms of process optimization and chemical savings. On the other hand, it also impacts on the amount of consumption of energy resources such as water, since the supply is made in precise quantities.
Efficiency and precision in dosing
For plants having two or more dosing machines, we have designed a module that will masterfully solve the workload prioritization by optimizing the deliveries through TecnoDos. We have called this module: Smart Dispenser.
With the TecnoDos connected to InfoTint, we can establish some parameters and work rules for each of the dispensers. When a dosage is started, the system will calculate the most efficient way of carrying it out on this basis. A way to produce better and obtain great performance. Find out how it works.
We encourage all companies to find their own way and adapt their machinery to this new reality. A leap to quality production using the latest 4.0 technology. If you are interested to know more, please contact us and tell us about your project. We will be happy to advise you without any obligation.