More than 30 years transforming textile production through technology.
Since 1990 we have been developing innovative solutions for the automation of the textile industry.
Learn more about our history and the milestones that have marked these more than 30 years.

We have positioned ourselves as a leader in the technology industry thanks to a team of highly experienced experts in the field, who are proficient in creating and implementing a wide range of solutions for the textile sector.
Our area of expertise focuses on the development and deployment of cutting-edge 4.0 technology for the automation of textile machinery, covering dyeing, weaving and textile finishing equipment.

We optimize the management of connections between the various areas of the company, enabling seamless communication between our software systems and the machines in the textile plant.
We are committed to the implementation of a streamlined manufacturing process that supports decision making based on automatic data, available in real time and centralized in a robust management software. This leads to greater sustainability and profitability in our processes.
Our business units are closely linked, driving the development of technological solutions that continue to promote digitalization in the textile industry.

Central Headquarters
Carrer Hondures, 48-52 Local
08027 Barcelona.
+34 93 408 38 09

TecnoEAS Brasil
Daniel Imhof, 12 (Sala 02)
São Pedro. Brusque SC (Brasil).
Fone: +55 47 3355 5155

Av. Andrés Aramburu 878
15047 Surquillo – Lima
+511 5101329
EAS in the world
We are proud to have a global presence in more than 35 countries, which means that our commitment and expertise in the EAS industry extends around the world.
Look no further! Find your nearest EAS agent with ease. We’ll help you boost your textile factory.
Betting on #GreenManufacturing
Sustainability in the textile industry has become a vital issue in working towards achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals for 2030.
EAS contributes to sustainable production through the measurement of KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators) capable of obtaining and measuring all the parameters to achieve efficient production.
We provide our customers with statistics such as RFT (Right First Time) to reduce fabric reprocesses or OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) to measure the effectiveness of production loads and obtain the best performance of each production batch.
These tools lay out a roadmap for the development of sustainable and resource-responsible production.